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Games in English for kids will allow your child not only to acquire an impressive vocabulary, but also to learn the correct spelling of all words. For this, there is a separate direction of the game - the composition of words. To help the player, pictures or small tips can be attached. Again, here, too, all the buildings take place in a fun way.
Games for kids in English, help your little ones learn while they're having fun! Given that learning a second language during childhood is way easier. Free Online Games for PC, Mac and Mobile - Play online games for free with no download on your PC, Mac, Android tablet, iPad or mobile phone!
Learning English in many schools is provided from the first grades. Even if your child's school curriculum has a slightly different look, this does not mean that the child cannot learn two languages at the same time: native and English. The first years of training can be done independently at home. For this you are provided with games in English for children.

Teaching children is not at all a simple matter, requiring a lot of patience and perseverance. Every parent sooner or later faces this question. Keeping the attention of children for a long time is quite difficult, especially when it comes to letters, numbers and syllables. Today, a whole army of specialized literature is working to help young parents to fill the gaps in preschool education. However, the most popular are special computer games. For example, games in English for children.

English games for kids: starting with the alphabet
The beauty of playing in English for children is that learning the basics of the English language takes place in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. These games are designed with the specifics of early learning method in mind. The game form will make it very easy and unobtrusive to memorize all the key points. Your child will perceive everything that happens as a game, and will gladly return to it every time. English games for children are the best way to learn at home without the need for tutors.
Today experts offer several types of games. Each of them is designed for a different age of the student and the level of already existing knowledge. Of course, the first thing to start learning is the alphabet. To study it, games in English for children use the same principles as for the native alphabet: the soundtrack of each letter and an illustrative example. By repeating the simple exercises daily, your child will be able to accurately name each letter of the English alphabet. The same games are used to teach a child to count in a foreign language.

Such games in English for children will give your child basic knowledge and be a little ahead of their future classmates. Of course, the first games will require your presence. It will be necessary for the child to explain the task, and the principles of controlling the game. As a rule, games for the little ones have very simple control - with the help of the mouse. The child gets used to it very quickly and masters it easily.
Learning to speak English while playing for children
After mastering the first simple game in English for children, you should move on to the next level. This is followed by games to learn the simplest words and their definitions. There are separate games that teach you to pronounce and write (including typing) colors, animals, fruits, vegetables, family members, furniture, food, transportation and other words that children meet every day in life. As in the case of the native language, sound and visual accompaniment is used for each word. Your child will not only be told the meaning of the word and its correct pronunciation, but will also be given an example in the picture. The results of such training exceed all expectations.
The next step is to check your vocabulary. This is the primary school level. There are such games in English for children for older students. The only difference is in the words that are used. Very often these games are presented in the form of rebuses, puzzles and crosswords.
- Rooplay is the educational games platform for kids that empowers children to play, learn and create.
- Like Netflix, Rooplay is a subscription system with no advertising of any kind.
- For kids, Rooplay fuels play, challenges them to engage, and prepares them to succeed.
- For parents, Rooplay provides peace of mind as the system is curated for quality and free of ads, violence, and profanity.
“We at Rooplay, believe in inspiring today’s children for their futures – it shapes every- thing we do, from how we behave to the products and services we create”.

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